Let's have a look at the actionscript in the "4 differences" game:
Frame 1:Contains:-1 button, instanced as playbutton (the red one with the "play the game!" text)
playbutton.onRelease = function() {
}Very easy: telling the game to stop at Frame1 (stop();) and telling it to go to Frame 2 if the "playbutton" is released.
Frame 2:Contains:
1 - 2 similar images
2- 4 MovieClips, instanced as "Rect1", "Rect2", "Rect3", "Rect4"
3- A dinamic text instanced as "congrat"
4- 4 buttons instanced as "Df1", "Df2", "Df3", "Df4"
5- A MovieClip called Timebar, without instance name
*Remember we have the "cursor" MovieClip in our library, linked as "cursor"
differences_left = 4;//Setting a new variable, "differences_left" and setting it to 4
attachMovie("cursor", "cursor", 1);
cursor.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x = _xmouse;
this._y = _ymouse;
};//Hidding the mouse and attaching the cursor MovieClip and telling it //to have the same _x and _y coordinates as the mouse.
Df1.onRelease = function() {// If you click on the 1st difference...
differences_left -= 1;// The variable "differences_left" is decreased by 1
_root.Rect1._x = this._x;
_root.Rect1._y = this._y;// The "Rect1" MovieClip's _x and _y become the same as the "Df1" //button _x and _y
Df1._x = 1500;// And then, the "Df1" button's _x becomes 1500, so you can't see or //click on it
if(_root.differences_left == 0){
}// Checking if the variable "differences_left" is 0, if so telling the //game to go to Frame 3, the one with the "You win" text
_root.congrat.text = "You found a difference! Only " + differences_left + " more to go";// Making the "congrat" text become "You found a difference! Only x //differences more to go", where x is the current value of the //variable "differences_left"
Df2.onRelease = function() {
differences_left -= 1;
_root.Rect2._x = this._x;
_root.Rect2._y = this._y;
Df2._x = 1500;
if(_root.differences_left == 0){
_root.congrat.text = "You found a difference! Only " + differences_left + " more to go";
};// The same as in the "Df1" button
Df3.onRelease = function() {
differences_left -= 1;
_root.Rect2._x = this._x;
_root.Rect2._y = this._y;
Df3._x = 1500;
if(_root.differences_left == 0){
_root.congrat.text = "You found a difference! Only " + differences_left + " more to go";
};// The same, too
Df4.onRelease = function() {
differences_left -= 1;
_root.Rect4._x = this._x;
_root.Rect4._y = this._y;
Df4._x = 1500;
if(_root.differences_left == 0){
_root.congrat.text = "You found a difference! Only " + differences_left + " more to go";
};// The same again
Now let's check what's
inside the "Timebar" MovieClip:

5 Layers: stroke, mask, fill, dots and background
Take special attention at the masking (highlighted with a red rectangle in the image). The layer Mask is masking the layers "fill" and "dots", but not the layer background. (You can modify masking by right clicking on the layer>properties )
The layer Mask contains a MovieClip instanced as "bar".
And now, see the actionscript
in the "Timebar" MovieClip (
not inside it) :
this.bar._x -=0.25;
// The "bar" MovieClip's _x decreases
// If it's _x gets to 0...
// The game goes to Frame 4 ( the loser one )
Frames 3 and 4 only have a static text saying "Loser" or "You win" and a
stop(); in its actions layer